Running Hobby Teaches Attendance Secretary Important Life Lessons She Hopes to Impart With Students
Hollie Ketcham, Hilliard Darby High School’s attendance secretary, hopes her recent foray into running can teach the students she encounters — many of whom she’s known since they were toddlers thanks to her work in a daycare before joining the district — a few things about setting goals for yourself and perseverance.
She’s never considered herself athletic, but in 2016, she began running, starting with a 5K. She built on her success in that race by finishing five more 5Ks, two full marathons, two 50-mile races and a 100K. Then, she set her sights on an “elusive 100-miler.”
Her training for the Oct. 8, 2022, race in Akron, Ohio, ramped up last spring when she started running every day and building up mileage. While she was unable to complete the race due to a knee injury, she ran 55 miles in 13 hours and is extremely proud of her accomplishment.
“The lesson that I learned and want others to take away is that we can try hard things and be proud of each of our successes even if the end goal was not obtained,” she said. “The small wins along the way enable us to succeed. Also, the comfort zone is not where the magic happens; it happens outside of that sweet spot.”