Subscribe to eNews

Subscribe to eNews

Hilliard City Schools uses School Messenger for delivering important school and district news and announcements via email, phone and text message. We encourage parents, employees and community members to take full advantage of the platform, which provides these important benefits:

  • Customize your notification preferences. Choose which phone numbers and email addresses should receive which types of communications – emergency, weather-related or general school/district news and announcements.
  • Automatic updates.
    For current parents, guardians, and staff, the system automatically recognizes your associated school(s), grade level(s) and even language preference, and will update as this information changes in our databases to ensure you receive information pertaining to those associations.
  • Manage your contact information. We ask that parents and guardians keep their information in Home Access Center updated.

Follow the instructions below to set up your notification account and maintain your preferences.
For easy, on-the-go access to managing your account settings and communication preferences, parents, guardians, and staff are invited to download the free mobile app.

Parents/Guardians: Please update your contact information in Home Access Center to automatically receive eNews messages.

  1. Visit the SchoolMessenger portal
  2. For first-time users, click on Sign Up to set up your account. For returning users, click on Sign In.
  3. For your username, you must use the primary email address associated with your personal Home Access Center (HAC) account (parents/guardians) or your HCSemail address (staff). Create and confirm a new password.Parents/Guardians: Because your account is linked with current student data from HAC, your login must match the primary email address in HAC. You may change that address by logging into HAC or contacting your school’s front office. Please wait 24 hours to attempt logging into SchoolMessenger again with your new address.
  4. Click on the confirmation link sent to your registered email to activate your account.
  5. Specify for each how you wish to be contacted.
  6. Select Preferences from the dropdown to specify if you wish to be emailed, called and/or texted for emergencies, weather-related notifications and/or general district/school news.
Non-Parents/Community: Sign up for electronic news and information
If you are not an HCS staff member or the parent/guardian of a current student, please log into our self-sign-up portal to quickly subscribe to district news or weather-related notifications.

  1. Visit our community self-sign-up portal.
  2. Click on First time user, Sign Up Now to create a new account. Provide the requested information and agree to the terms of service.
  3. Click on the confirmation link sent to your registered email to activate your account and log in for the first time.
  4. On your first login, click on Contact Info, where you can add one additional email and phone numbers to receive phone calls and/or text messages.
  5. Under Interests, specify if you wish to be contacted for weather-related notifications, surveys and/or general district/school news.
  6. To receive School News, select the intended school(s).

Strategic & Master Facilities Plan Learn about the District’s long-term Strategic Plan and Master Facilities Plan. Attendance Need to report an absence, or review policy? Enroll In School Lunches Calendars Join Our Team Find My Bus Stop Where do I go to school? Need to add more money to your child's lunch account? Do you need to know when everything is happening? Need a job? Browse our open positions in the district. Do you need to find your bus stop to and from school? Attendance Enroll In School Lunches Calendars Join Our Team Find My Bus Stop
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David Stewart

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