DCR Student Leaders Give Back to Charitable Cause

DCR Student Leaders Give Back to Charitable Cause

Student leaders at Darby Creek Elementary came up with a charitable idea called See Kids Dream, where classmates donated loose change and a committee of 30 students conducted interviews with local organizations to determine where their earnings would go. Within five days, Darby Creek scraped together nearly $4,500! The student leaders decided to donate their earnings to Callahan Murphy Hare Foundation, a central Ohio organization that advocates for critically needed pediatric cancer research to improve outcomes for children diagnosed with cancer. 

On May fourth, the student leaders will go to the Riffe Center to share their journey with other student leaders and community leaders. Students learned that small change can make a big impact and they will continue to figure out ways to make a difference for their community.

Darby Creek Student Leaders counting money.Darby Creek student counting money for fundraiser.

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