Day In The Life Of A Kindergartener

Day In The Life Of A Kindergartener
What’s it like for our littlest learners in Hilliard Schools? We followed Hendrix around Avery Elementary this month to look at what a day looks like for our kindergarten students. Part of the day typically involves quiet work at their desk, and they work on reading, writing, and math. Working with teachers and their classmates in small group sessions also takes place. Lunch and recess are clearly a lot of fun for the kiddos. Other times of the day, the students work on science, social studies, and specials. For this class, that meant getting to know their new chicks that recently hatched.
Preparing students to be Ready for Tomorrow doesn’t just mean once they get into High School. Giving our youngest students the academic foundation to be Ready for Tomorrow begins on the first day they enter our schools.

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