Parent Voice in Math Curriculum

The Hilliard City School District’s Curriculum Department is in the midst of a multi-year curriculum revision cycle for several content areas. An important part of this process is seeking input from our parents on what is important to them in each content area. The next content area that a district committee will revise is Mathematics. If you are interested in providing feedback in regard to your child’s Math curriculum, please click this link and respond to a brief, two-question survey. Thank you for your consideration.

Alumni Spotlights

Hilliard Schools is proud of the excellence demonstrated by our alumni.  We want to share their stories and are creating a new Alumni Spotlight to highlight and recognize alumni achievements, along with the impacts they are making in their fields and communities.  These stories will be shared as a means to inspire our current students to pursue their dreams, connect alumni back to our community and serve as a point of district wide and community celebration.

If you want to be considered for an alumni spotlight, or want to recommend someone else, please email us with more details and don’t forget to attach a picture of yourself.

Master Facilities Plan Community Survey

You may be aware of work being done to create a Master Facilities Plan (MFP) for our district.   The MFP will be the product of a data-driven process that guides capital planning decisions over the next 5-10 years.  An essential part of this process is community and stakeholder feedback.

We want to ask our parents, staff, and community members to take a few minutes to give us their input by taking a short survey.  Then, you can watch a video or read the presentation through the links below.  The survey link is also below.

Thank you ahead of time for taking part in this crucial step.


Click here for the video presentation.

Master Facilities Plan Survey Presentation

Click here to take the survey.

Community Strategic Design Committee Application

Hilliard City Schools is actively engaging the community in defining what Ready for Tomorrow means.  This will be a collective vision that articulates our community’s aspirations for all our students.  Once this is complete, we will develop a strategic plan and a roadmap to help our schools make the vision come to life in our classrooms. This will be an additional set of meeting starting in the winter of 2023.  It’s important that our strategic plan reflect the hopes and aspirations our entire community has for our young people!

The Strategic Design Team members will meet four times over the next few months:

Meeting 1: October 25 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8:30 pm

Meeting 2: November 15 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm

Meeting 3: December 8 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm

Meeting 4: January 12 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm

If you are interested in applying to be a part of this work, please fill out the Google form below.  We will notify those who will be participating on the committee in early October.  Not all who apply are guaranteed a spot on the committee.

First Time Riders

Our Transportation Team is once again excited to announce the First Time Riders Event will take place on August 13, from  8 AM until Noon at Weaver Middle School.  Your student can learn about bus safety, ride a bus, and have more fun.  It’s a great opportunity to introduce young students to riding a bus for the first time.



Strategic & Master Facilities Plan Learn about the District’s long-term Strategic Plan and Master Facilities Plan. Attendance Need to report an absence, or review policy? Enroll In School Lunches Calendars Join Our Team Find My Bus Stop Where do I go to school? Need to add more money to your child's lunch account? Do you need to know when everything is happening? Need a job? Browse our open positions in the district. Do you need to find your bus stop to and from school? Attendance Enroll In School Lunches Calendars Join Our Team Find My Bus Stop
Ready For Tomorrow

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David Stewart

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