Good Afternoon Jaguar Parents,
It was another great week here at Bradley High School. We continued to be impressed with the work our students and staff are doing inside and outside of the classroom.
Next Wednesday, September 14, we will be holding an open house here at Bradley high school. From 5:30pm-6:00pm we will hold a senior parent only meeting hosted by our college coordinator Mr. Tom Woodford and Assistant Principal Mr. Cort Hamilton in the PAC to talk about the college admissions process and senior dates. Beginning at 6:00pm we will hold a traditional open house where parents will have an opportunity to walk your students’ schedules and meet their teachers from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Make sure to print a copy of your students schedule. Paper schedules will not be provided. Click the following link to view the class schedule for the night.
We would like to recognize our acapella group Shades of Blue. In March, Shades of Blue was invited to perform at the National A Cappella Convention in Orlando, Florida. They were featured on the high school a cappella showcase presenting a three-song set. Over the next few weeks, Shades will be releasing the videos from that performance. Their performance of Gold featuring Audrey Brown is currently available on YouTube! You can watch it here!
Finally, I would like to thank Assistant Principal Mr. Walton and our staff for putting together a successful Club Fair today during our lunch periods. It was great to see our students and staff working together to increase involvement in the many school clubs and activities that we have to offer here at Bradley.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend and Go Jags!!!
Senior Pictures due December 9th!
Seniors, plan when/where/how you are going to take your senior photos now! Go to the Bradley Yearbook website for a list of requirements and details about submission. The deadline to submit your senior photo to the yearbook is Friday, December 9th, 2022.
Hello Bradley family! Our next PTO meeting will be September 20th at 5pm in the Bradley media center.
We are working on getting another spirit wear online sale up and running soon. Check the Hilliard Bradley PTO webpage (under the parent tab on the Bradley website) for information. Please follow us on Twitter (@HBHS_PTO), Instagram (hbhs_pto), and Facebook (Hilliard Bradley High School PTO) for current updates as well!
Guidance Update
Have questions, please check out our Guidance Counselor Web Page.
Attention Juniors: Registration for the PSAT/NMSQT will begin on September 6 and close on September 23rd. The cost is $25 and you can register through MyPaymentsPlus. The PSAT/NMSQT will be held October 12 at each high school. This is the test that is used for the National Merit Scholarship Competition. It will also help prepare Juniors for the SAT which they will take in the spring.
JV/Freshman Football Update!
The JV and Freshman Football game times against Marysville tomorrow, September 10 have been changed to the following:
JV- 8:00 AM
FR- 10:00 AM
Both games will be played on the Memorial Middle School Field.
Go Jags!
Hilliard Bradley Theater Presents:
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Rated PG-13) is a Tony Award winning musical by Rebecca Feldman, Rachel Sheinkin, and William Finn. The musical follows the story of 6 spellers at the Bee and the 3 adults that run it. We are absolutely THRILLED to be able to put on this hilariously funny and often touching production for you this October! Keep reading to see the cast list, which is filled with talented actors that are sure to amaze you.
Show Times:
October 7 @ 7:00 pm
October 8 @ 7:00 pm
October 9 @ 2:00 pm
$15.00 Adults
$10.00 Students/Seniors
Click This Link to Buy Tickets:
Local Level Events – Hilliard Bradley Theater Presents-25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Cast List
Rona Lisa Peretti: Annabelle Brock
Vice Principal Panch: Julian Perez
Mitch Mahoney: Jay Phillips
Olive Ostrovsky: Piper Brill
William Barfee: Kyle Metzler
Marcy Park: Abbey Bialek
Chip Tolentino: James Goodwin
Calling All Students!!
Drop in and join us for:
Mindful Movement for Mental Health
What: Weekly Yoga and mindfulness class guided by Mental Health Specialists
When: Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 13th, 20th, and 27th) from 2:45- 4:00pm
Where: Room A227
What you should know:
- Every Bradley student is welcome.
- No prior yoga experience is required!
- No commitment or sign up necessary- come to any session you can.
- Bring a water bottle and comfortable clothes to move in.Questions? Contact Mental Health Specialists Mrs. O’Neil (students with last names A-K) or Ms. Burgos (last names L-Z).
- Monday, September 12 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm at Avery Elementary
- Wednesday, September 14 – Open House 6:00 pm