Student Clubs

Hilliard Bradley High School: Clubs and Activities 

The purpose of clubs and extracurricular activities at Hilliard Bradley High School is to provide students with learning opportunities in various venues outside the classroom, thus offering experiences to grow as an individual.

Clubs: Learn about all of Bradley’s club offerings!

  • Check back soon for a list of clubs and advisers for the 2024-2025 school year

Club Documents:


Leadership and Academics:

Class Cabinet (Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)

Advisers:  Brian Gerber and Cindy Cote

Class Cabinet is responsible for improving the school climate and morale at Bradley High School.  We organize homecoming week activities (dress-up days, powder puff, parade, dance), Beat Darby Week (t-shirt sales, pancake breakfast, pep rally), senior class t-shirts sales, student vs. staff athletic events, prom, graduation, the senior gift, etc.  Students must complete an application and be selected to be a part of the class cabinet.  See an advisor if interested.

Jaguar Ambassadors

Advisers:  Rae Cunningham and Nicole Markley

As a service club, we work to provide a positive environment at school and volunteer at service activities at the school and community levels.  Our goal is to develop leaders.  Students must complete an application and interview process.  Students need recommendations and show an interest in participating in service activities.  See an advisor if interested.

National Honor Society

Advisers:  Rachel Keller and Kim Stamolis

The National Honor Society is for Juniors and Seniors.  We are a service organization that celebrates scholarship, character, leadership and service.  Students GPA must be 3.75 or higher to start the application process.  Service hours are also a requirement.  See an advisor if interested.

The Jaguar Times

Adviser:  Lauren Braemer and Nicole Markley

“The Jaguar Times” is the student news organization of Hilliard Bradley High School.  The publication is created in the Journalism Production class.  Students from grades 9 – 12 are responsible for all copywriting, photography, and editing of the written news as well as the filming and editing of the broadcast news.  Students must submit an application.  It includes a questionnaire, a teach recommendation and a writing sample.  See an advisor if interested.


Adviser:  Hillary Fought

The yearbook production staff creates the school yearbook.  To do this, the students design and create spreads.  To complete the spreads, students take photos of school happenings and organized events, place the photos in our online publication creation tool, conduct interviews, write captions, write stories, and edit work.  Students must also attend events outside of school hours in order to get optimum coverage to represent the school year.  Students must submit an application including a teacher recommendation and writing sample.  See an adviser if interested.



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