The Staff
The Choirs

8th Grade Treble Choir is open to all seventh-grade female-identifying students who are interested in singing and performing. The group will focus on developing proper vocal production and technique. This choir involved three to four co-curricular performances throughout the school year. Performances are graded, required part of the curriculum and occur in the evening.

Choir Director
Josh Dufford
- (614)-921-7700
Mr. Dufford oversees the Davidson Choral Department and directs the Tenor/Bass Concert Choir, Symphonic Choir, Senior Choir, and Blue Kids on the Block. Additionally, Mr. Dufford co-teaches the 7th & 8th Grade Tenor/Bass Ensemble at Weaver Middle School with Mrs. Muzzalupo. Originally from Pickerington, Ohio, Mr. Dufford joined the Davidson Choral Department in the Fall of 2021. Mr. Dufford has taught K-12 music in the Columbus, Cincinnati, and Toledo areas prior to his appointment at Davidson. He earned his Bachelor of Music Education from Otterbein University and his Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Bowling Green State University. In addition to his role at Davidson High School, Mr. Dufford is also the Director of Traditional Music at Indian Run UMC and is Co-Chair for the Ohio Choral Directors Association’s High School Honor Choir.
Choir Assistant Director
Siri Nguyen
- (614)-921-7700