Welcome, 5th grade students & families!
Information for 6th grade band, choir, and orchestra for the 2025-2026 school year has been posted!
Hilliard City Schools Fine Arts Programs
The Hilliard City Schools Fine Arts Department strives to assure quality music, k-5 visual art, k-5 physical education, and k-5 world languages, as well as theater education for every student across the district. From the kindergarten general music classes through to the high school theater, band, orchestra, and choir offerings.
Hilliard is recognized as a leader in performing arts throughout the state of Ohio.
- 26 different orchestras
- 31 different bands
- 26 different choirs
- Rock Bands, recording technology & other music courses at the ILC

Dr. Mark Sholl
Coordinator of Fine Arts
Dr. Mark Sholl coordinates activities for all K-12 band, choir, orchestra, theater, general music and visual arts programming in Hilliard City Schools.