Hello everyone,

Just a quick update for MS Gymnastics and MS Girls Golf information.

Please see the attached flyer for information about MS Gymnastics. MS Gymnastics is a FALL sport, this if different than HS Gymnastics, as it is a Winter sport at the HS level. Coach Brian Grier is our MS Gymnastics coach and we have 1 single team composed of Hilliard Middle School athletes competing. These athletes will be listed as competing for Weaver, Heritage, or Memorial, but we have one single coach, Coach Grier.  

Middle School Gymnastics Flyer

MS Girls Golf:

This coming fall we will have a  single Girls Golf team for any girls interested in playing Girls Golf at the MS level.  Coach Heather Estes, will be our MS coach.  Last year was the 1st year the District allowed us to have a single coach/team to represent the 3 Hilliard Middle Schools.  It was a good success and we hope to continue to see this sport grow.  Please take a look at the attached flyer for information regarding Girls Golf at the MS level.  

Hilliard MS Girls Golf Flyer

Davidson & Weaver Wildcat
Nathan Bobek - Athletic Director | Jay Cauley - Assistant Athletic Director | Lori Bruce - Secretary

Davidson High School | 5100 Davidson Road | Hilliard, OH 43026

Phone: (614) 921-7230 | Fax: (614) 921-7231


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