Students will receive a letter grade each 9-week grading period for band.  Band members will be evaluated each 9-weeks in five major areas:

Daily Participation and Behavior

Students are expected to attend and bring their instrument to all band classes. Students receive 3 points each day for bringing their instrument and participating.  Students will lose 1 point each time their instrument is forgotten.  They will still keep the other 2 participation points if they are fingering along and participating as best they can without an instrument.  Lack of participation (with or without an instrument) will result in lost points. Bringing of all equipment is essential this year, since we are unable to share or loan out any materials.


Daily Material Checks

Students are expected to bring all materials necessary to all band classes. Students receive 2 points each day for bring all of the following materials:  Binder, Band Book, iPad, and pencil.  Students will lose 1/2 a point daily for each missing material. Bringing of all equipment is essential this year, since we are unable to share or loan out any materials.


Individual Practice

Students are expected to maintain a record of consistent daily practice to be turned in weekly. Each practice record is worth 5 points. The students’ goal is 60 minutes (either 4 days of 15 minutes or 3 days of 20 minutes – please no less than 3 days) of practice every week.  *Home Practice Records include practice done at home outside of zoom class periods (when in eLearning).


Musicianship (playing quizzes and written worksheets)

Students will be required to periodically perform live playing quizzes, graded video clips, and written quizzes to evaluate musical progress and understanding of knowledge. ALL quizzes (written and playing) will be announced for students to practice and prepare.


As an important part of the band experience, if we get to a point where we are allowed to have concerts, we will schedule a few out-of-school concerts. Performances are mandatory and worth 30 points of the grade. I will make parents aware of any concert dates as soon as they are scheduled.  Any conflicts need to be in writing and given to a director BEFORE the concert. Illness and family emergencies need to be explained in writing on the next band day.