Concert Dates/Attire

2023-2024 Concert Dates

December 6, 2023  Time TBA

April 25, 2024  Time TBA


As an important part of the band experience, we do have evening concerts.  Performances are mandatory!!  Any conflicts need to be in writing and given to a director BEFORE the concert.  Illness and family emergencies need to be explained in writing on the next band day.


Concert Dress

This year, I am asking each band member to purchase a printed band T-shirt.  It will be grey with a Station logo. Shirts are $10 each, check made out to Hilliard Music Boosters.  Shirts will be delivered shortly before the first concert.

Black pants are required for both boys and girls, but knee-length or longer skirts are permitted.  Black leggings are not considered pants.  They may be worn under skirts, but not alone in lieu of black pants.  Shirts are to be worn tucked in and a black belt is preferred.  Black dress shoes and black socks will round out the concert attire.

Please have your concert outfit ready by December 1st.