Step 1: Parent Meeting

Both meetings are for Band & Orchestra!

If you missed the parent meeting, check back here for video replays to watch of the presentations.
Make sure you sign up for a fitting appointment – we can give you all handouts you missed there!

STATION PARENT MEETING: Virtual Meeting Monday, January 29th at 6:30pm
Watch the Parent Meeting Video from Station – CLICK HERE

THARP PARENT MEETING: Monday, January 29th at Tharp Sixth Grade School, 7pm
Video Recap


At the Parent Meeting you will learn about the Hilliard Orchestra program, the Sixth Grade Orchestra schedule, and how to go about renting a quality instrument. You will also have the chance to sign up for an Orchestra Fitting time if you have not already done so. Fitting appointments are REQUIRED. You you will learn about BAND and ORCHESTRA at both STATION and THARP during this meeting, so if your child hasn’t decided between instruments yet, this is a great way to get more information.

Step 2: Fitting Session

  • What if I cannot “attend” the parent meeting? Can my son/daughter still participate in the band/orchestra program?
    Yes. Please read through the information on this website and watch the video of the parent meeting, sign up for a fitting (see the “fitting’ link to the left), and contact Caitlin Bartholic ( – THARP) or Emily Way ( – STATION)  if you have any questions
  • I have older children who have gone through the program. Do I still need to attend the parent meeting?
    As the registration process for each school is always changing, we encourage all parents to attend the meeting if possible. Either way please make sure you sign up for a fitting appointment!
  • We already have an instrument at home. Do we need to attend the parent meeting and/or sign up for a “fitting”?
    We strongly encourage all parents to attend the meeting if possible to get all of the information about the Hilliard Orchestra Program. We also encourage you to sign up for a “fitting”. You can use this time to make sure that your instrument is in good working condition and will be a good “fit” for your child. Fittings are also a great chance to get to know the Hilliard Orchestra Directors and ask any questions you might have.